Kurt Bauer and Hermine Raab present
Sept 8th, 18Uhr 30
in the MuseumsCenter Leoben
Konnichiwa Japan

we look forward to meeting you
Japan - the land of the rising sun - hardly any other country is so mysterious and so little known in our networked world.
Japan stands for big cities, many people and little space, for sushi and high living costs, but also for high technology and culture. But Japan also means mountains, because only a quarter of the island chain is flat land.
And finally Japan is rich in culture: temples, shrines, Zen gardens. The Japanese cultivate their traditions and like to present them to foreigners.
Few tourists dare to travel, because language and characters are difficult to learn, so how to communicate?
In autumn 2015 we set out on a four-week journey through the country. We met friendly and helpful, open-minded and for Europeans unimaginably disciplined people.
Kurt and Hermine show this and much more in 3D pictures with HD quality and live commentary. You have the impression as if you were on the spot